Death on Sale! Act Now!

A Message from the Tax Attorneys at Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe.

This shopping season why not give your loved ones what they really want. . . your vast accumulated riches! Yes, that’s right, by taking advantage of an obscure loophole in the present tax system,  upon your death, you may hand over your entire estate to your wife, your secret mistress, your beloved pet, and your hard working foreign sounding groundskeeper without paying a dime in taxes to Uncle Sam! Talk about a Black Friday! Continue reading “Death on Sale! Act Now!”

Candlelight Vigil

Please Join Our Candlelight Vigil.

We here at caduceusblog (though there’s only 2 of us) would like to take this opportunity to wish a speedy recovery to one of our readers who has caught a cold and is taking an antibiotic. This worries us, not out of any concern we have for our readers. It worries us because we only have 2 readers, and our statistician informs us that if one our readers dies, then our readership could be reduced by nearly fifty percent. So please join our candlelight vigil to pray for the speedy recovery of our poor stricken reader.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

We here at the Caduceuscloud (though there’s only two of us) would like to wish you, our dear reader (literally, we only have one reader), the happiest of Thanksgivings. As we count our many blessings during this special time of year, I feel that it’s important that I reflect on what is perhaps the most important blessing of all. . . that I am not a TSA agent. Continue reading “Happy Thanksgiving”


The migration has begun. All over Michigan, the annual migration of flocks moving south is in full swing. And behind those flocks, the other annual Michigan migration is starting too. Our office is starting to see our winter ‘checkout’ patients before they migrate south for the winter. Continue reading “Snowbirds”