This is our Dystopian Future: Brought To You By COVID-19 Antibody Testing.

(Omar Marques/Getty Images)

Right now pulmonary critical care physicians are fielding myriad calls and texts from all over the country. These callers come with frantic questions. Questions like “Hello Deep this is Minnie, your aunty. Your uncle’s toe is hurting and I read on the internet that  it’s a sign of coronavirus. What should we do?” Notice that they don’t ask “could I have coronavirus?” because they are absolutely convinced that they have it. What they want to know is “what should I do about my coronavirus”. Of course I give them the usual measured, sober and socially acceptable response; You’re ok, stay at home, wash your hands. 

But here’s what I WANT to tell them.

You beat coronavirus? Celebrate, CELEBRATE, YOU’RE FREE! Throw away your hand sanitizer! Run to the grocery store and grab an unsanitized cart, feel free to touch every cereal box. Use the bathroom and dry your hands with the air dryer. Take in a movie, get some popcorn, and go ahead and lick those buttery fingers. No need to be afraid.

Soon,  we’ll be through the initial hellish phase of this pandemic with it’s spiraling death counts. But the fight won’t be over. Until we have an effective vaccine or treatment, we’ll enter a prolonged stalemate with the disease. Now that we’re looking at opening the country back up again, people have been contemplating what that might look like. 

That future will inevitably split us into two groups based on whether we have immunity from the disease or not. Immune people will have their status bestowed on them from previous infection or documented by results of antibody testing. Eventually someone will come up with a catchy title for Immunes and Uninfecteds. Perhaps there will be a Twilight-esque movie about a forbidden romance between the two. Spoiler alert, one of them dies.

Life for Immunes is going to be good, their lives will look, to the Uninfected, like an unending party. They are going to go out early, and stay out late.They will restart their lives, and live them like it was the last day of their lives, such will be their appreciation for their rewon freedom. 
Uninfecteds will still be staying at home, watching the glamorous lives of the the Immunes as if from behind prison bars.  While people will know their own status there will be no way to tell who is who in public. For that reason, governments will still require some form of social distancing to protect these people. Many Uninfecteds will with violate that, and they will get sick and die. 

Immunes will feel sorry for the Uninfecteds, “I feel really bad for Uni’s” they will say,  “but I have to work and feed my family. Why should I go on with the quarantine when I’m not sick and there’s nothing wrong with me?”
Life for Uninfected’s will be tough. They will eventually need to go back into the workforce. But in order to work they will need to have protections against infection.So they’ll ask for accomodations from their employers based on the American with Disabilities Act. And as they are accomodated, workplaces will become increasingly segregated as Uninfecteds seek protections  like individual spaces with appropriate physical distancing. They’ll have different restrooms, different lines in the cafeteria and different dining tables. In some cases an Uninfected worker will be paired with an Immune for their own protection. The Immunes will naturally resent the social isolation. The Uninfecteds will see the Immunes new found freedoms and resent them right back. 

Meanwhile the employment pictures will look very good for Immunes, particularly health care workers. While employers will insist that they do not discriminate based on immune status, everyone knows that they do. Employers know that Uninfecteds could get sick and then require time off that could range from a few weeks to a few months. Even worse, they might die. For that reason, insurance premiums, including life, disability, and health insurance, rise astronomically for Uninfecteds.  For all of these reasons Uninfecteds have a much harder time finding work especially obese men over 50 who appear to be more affected by the virus. 

After the tragedy of the intial part of the health crisis in the U.S., healthcare workers were seen as heroes and had enjoyed a new found solidarity. That quickly falls apart as health care systems bid up the prices on Immune workers. Across the country every one is tested for antibody status, laws are passed requiring that everyone have their COVID-19 Antibody status determined. 

Health disparities that existed before the crisis become wider, while new disparities emerge.  Covid-19 antibody status becomes a ticket to a better life. Illicit dealers emerge to sell samples of the virus to people who want to infect themselves.  Political differences emerge too, one political party declares itself a champion of Immune freedoms. SImultaneously they accuse the other party of promoting a socialist agenda by promoting accomodations for Unifected.

The Immune party blocks a bill in the House stating that it is an invasion of privacy, but it’s really about blocking funding needed to build factories to make the vaccine. The vaccine is now the only thing that separates the Immune from Uninfected. Facebook posts appear showing the dangers of vaccination, stating that the vaccine come from a WHO plant built by the Chinese. The vaccine, it is rumored, contains another secret virus. This virus, they say, is even deadlier than COVID-19. And the new virus would do things to our country that no one could imagine. 

Deep Ramachandran, M.D. is a Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep Medicine physician, founding CHEST Journal Social Media Editor, and co-Chair of ACCP Social Media Work Group. He blogs at Caduceusblog. He is on twitter @Caduceusblogger.

What Social Media Apps Work In China?

So you’re planning a trip to China. . . congratulations! You’re going to have an incredible experience visiting majestic sites, learning about China’s incredible history and delving into China’s amazing culture. Of course no vacation experience is complete in this age without sharing your experiences in real-time via social media. As someone who spends much of his time at the intersection between health care and social media, I was particularly interested in learning more about how American social media and tech apps would work in China. As I am sure you have learned when researching your trip, China blocks several social media sites. Plus, many things that we take for granted, like paying with a credit card are things that we may not be able to do in China. 

During a recent trip to China, I wanted to look at exactly how social media and technology apps that are ubiquitous to life in the U.S. would work in China. I’ve compiled my findings into this quick and to-the-point guide. If your findings are different, or if you have questions, please let me know. 

Does Facebook work in China?

–The facebook app can opened and old posts can be viewed. 

–Timeline will not update and new posts can not be uploaded. 

–Facebook Messenger will not work for chat, audio or video calls. 

Verdict: Facebook has almost no functionality in China. Your timeline can be viewed but is essentially frozen from the moment you enter China. 

Does Instagram work in China?

–Similar to Facebook, the app will open and display old posts, but will not update. 

–You can not post new content to Instagram. 

Verdict: Like Facebook, Instagram has almost no functionality in China. 

Does WhatsApp work in China?

–WhatsApp app will open, new posts can be viewed and updates can be posted. 

–WhatsApp messaging, audio and video calls will work in China. 

Verdict: Surprisingly, and despite what many sites on the internet will tell you, WhatsApp maintains excellent functionality in China. 

Does LinkedIn work in China?

–The LinkedIn app will open, but will generate an error message. Old posts can not be viewed. 

–You can not post to LinkedIn when in China. You can not communicate with contacts. 

Verdict: LinkedIn has no functionality in China. 

Should I download WeChat for my trip to China?

–Most Chinese tourists companies use WeChat to communicate with their customers. 

–WeChat’s interface works similarly to WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Like those apps, it supports instant messaging and web calling. 

Verdict: WeChat is an indispensable tool for tourists travelling to China, and the best way to keep in touch with your tour agency. 

Does email work in China? Does Gmail work in China?

–Email including Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo mail work in China. Gmail attachments can be problematic to download. 

Verdict: Despite China’s block on Google search, Gmail works in China, though Gmail attachments were difficult to access. I do not know if this was a network issue or something to do with how China blocks Google. 

Do credit cards work in China?

–U.S. credit cards will work in places that accept credit cards, which unfortunately are very few.

–Hotels and some restaurants at tourist sites will accept credit cards, but hardly anybody else does. This includes even “American” places like McDonalds and KFC. Most people in China pay with phone based apps like Alipay or Wepay. 

–You can download the Alipay app, but will need a Chinese bank account to link it to. Alipay offers a way to link to a credit card, but a websearch shows that most American tourists who try this are unsuccessful, and I was no exception.  

Verdict: Cash is king. You should assume that most places you go in China will not accept your credit card. 

Will Apple Pay work in China?

–U.S. based payment apps like Apple Pay, G Pay, Samsung Pay do not work in China. 

Verdict: Again Cash is king for American tourists and you should not rely on electronic payment when travelling in China. 

Does Google work in China?

–Google search will not work in China. 

–Other google services including Google Pay, Google Maps are similarly non-functional. 

–Google Chrome works well in China.  Searches through Chrome are diverted to a local Chinese search engine. Many of the results are in (I assume) Mandarin, hence not very helpful unless you can read Mandarin. 

–Google Maps will not work in China, nor will google reviews or any app which uses Google Maps. 

–Some Google services will work, including the Play Store, Google Drive, Google Photos. 

Verdict: Google’s most useful services, Google Maps, search, G Pay, and Reviews will not work in China. Google’s storage services (Drive, Photos) will still work and can be used to free up storage on your device. 

Opioid lawsuit: We’ve seen this before, and it didn’t go well.

When you live in Tobacco Road region of North Carolina, the local news tends to focus on 3 things; Duke basketball, UNC basketball, and Duke vs.UNC basketball. So it was a little surprising to see in the front page of my local paper that my own county is joining a lawsuit against three of the nation’s largest opioid distributors.

Perhaps I shouldn’t have been surprised, given the scope of the opioid epidemic. Opioid related deaths have topped 40,000 in recent years. The drug overdose death rate in in my home state of North Carolina jumped by nearly 24.7% from 2015 to 2016 and area hospitals including my own ICU can certainly attest to this.

Multiple state and county governments are joining lawsuits against opioid manufacturers and distributors to recoup costs which they allege were due to the crisis the companies helped create. And in a bit of sweet, sweet irony, even JCAHO (aka Joint Commission) a not-for profit entity responsible for antagonizing accrediting health care organizations is getting sued. I can tell you that no doctor will shed a tear over that one. Continue reading “Opioid lawsuit: We’ve seen this before, and it didn’t go well.”

Doctors’ Prescription to Reduce Gun Violence

Image result for sandy hook elementary school memorial

Like a lot of people, I get pretty numbed to gun violence on television. I stopped watching the local news because all they seem to show is news about shootings. The general public’s perception about gun violence is that it’s always somebody else, that the person  who was shot had somehow been involved in crime. The numbness we feel to gun violence often ends for most of us when things hit close to home, when you or someone you know is affected. Continue reading “Doctors’ Prescription to Reduce Gun Violence”

The Shocking Truth Behind “Shocking” Healthcare Social Media Statistics

As a regular follower of social media, I am keenly aware of changes in the healthcare landscape as it relates to social media. While there’s much talk about the impact of social media in healthcare, most of the action sits on the consumer side of the equation. Much of the medical world has to yet to tap into its potential. For most healthcare providers social media engagement amounts to little more than watching as others dip their feet, testing  the waters. A few watch as they anticipate their own entry into the arena. Still many others watch with the expectation that the water would soon become bloody.

So its with a burlap full  of salt that I read various healthcare social media stats promulgated in various infographics, twitter feeds, and blog posts celebrating Medicine 2.0 powered by social media. Collectively they hash and rehash a series of surprising statistics that aren’t exactly bogus, but aren’t exactly completely factual either.

A recent one caught my eye with the claim was that “53% of physicians practices have a facebook page”. This was curious to me, because as I read this in the physician lounge and  took my own poll, the results was much closer to 5% than 50%. Continue reading “The Shocking Truth Behind “Shocking” Healthcare Social Media Statistics”

Me and My A.E.D.

“Everyone should have BLS training. . . we’ll all be better off because of it”     -Me.

I arrived at my designated gate at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport.  The run there kept the adrenaline level up in my system, though the hubbub was now well behind. I pulled the crumpled boarding pass out of my pocket as I caught my breath. No that’s a hotel receipt. Check the other pocket, there it is, Zone 3, that can’t be that bad; I thought,  there’s gotta be, what maybe 6 or 7 zones, right? “Welcome aboard American Airlines flight to Flint, Michigan” the gate attendant announced. We welcome our platinum medallion, gold medallion, silver medallion, bronze high-flyers, copper star club, as well as plastic fantastic, and purple star members, followed by zones one and two” The last of the passengers was already through the jetway. “Now boarding zone three, welcome aboard”.

After handing over my crumpled boarding pass for scanning, I made my  down the jetway and onto what appeared to be a small but fairly packed little jet. Passengers on each side of the aisle eyed me as I walked past, a few noticed that my jeans were soaked from the knees down. Some caught the odor that  trailed behind, a light of recognition igniting in their eyes as they realized what it was. Does he really smell like that? Is he the one that’s dragging that awful scent through this cabin?

6 hours earlier things had been going very differently for me. My colleagues and I had just given a well received talk at the annual Chest convention. I had reconnected with old friends that I hadn’t seen since training.  I had just personally  thanked Kevin Pho (of KevinMD fame) in the hotel coffee shop for giving our keynote address and getting our membership fired up about the future of medicine and social media. It was with this sense of excitement and renewed enthusiasm that I boarded my plane to catch a connection at O’Hare.

I also distinctly recall that, at the time, my pants were absolutely one-hundred percent completely dry. Continue reading “Me and My A.E.D.”